Why Goat’s Milk?

According to the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), goat milk is consumed worldwide more so than any other dairy milk produced by an animal. Due to its unique nutritional properties and taste, goat milk has the potential to develop into a popular alternative to cow milk in America. Its high consumption worldwide can be explained because of the high, yet digestible, fat content and low lactose. Also, goat milk has more digestible fat and protein content than cow milk, which makes the products easier to digest, an important factor for infant diets and adults with digestive issues. Because of these properties, researchers have found goat’s milk to be good for the treatment of ulcers, beneficial for the human immune system, essential in lowering the excess acid consumed from acid-producing foods and is suggested to enhance one’s energy.

​The Better Selection

​Researchers have found that goat milk only has trace amounts of casein protein, an allergenic protein prevalent in cow’s milk. This protein has been identified as one of the major cow milk allergens. However, because the casein protein is only present in trace amounts in goat’s milk, many who are sensitive to cow’s milk find goat’s milk to be a safe.

Easy to Digest

Unlike cow’s milk, goat’s milk does not contain agglutinin, which prevents the fat globules in goat’s milk to coagulate or to form a thickened mass. When the protein is smaller, it makes goat’s milk easier to digest, for both adults and infants. Similarly, because goat’s milk contains a lower quantity of lactose than cow’s milk, those who are sensitive to lactose find it is easier to digest because it helps them to become more tolerable to lactose.

​Similar to Mom’s Milk

While nothing can substitute human breast milk, studies have shown that due to the similarities between human milk and goat’s milk physicians often recommend goat’s milk as a substitute for infants over the age of one who demonstrates allergies, or intolerance to lactose or conventional dairy product. Studies have revealed that infants who have transferred from cow’s milk to goat’s milk often have their allergic reaction disappear or minimize significantly and have less digestive problems. Although goat’s milk provides many of the nutrients that can be found in human milk, to provide all of the nutrients needed for a growing infant GmB supplements our goat’s milk powder with folic acid and always offer products free of unnatural growth hormones and antibiotics. However, for infants under 12 months of age, we recommend that you consult your pediatrician before making the shift to goat’s milk.

Memory Helper

In addition to great tasting and being easy to digest, numerous studies have found that goat milk is rich with numerous vitamins and minerals. The high volume of calcium and phosphorous in goat’s milk can lead to an improved bone formation parameters. Similarly, compared to cow’s milk, goat’s milk contains more zinc and selenium that contributes to the antioxidant defense and aids in the prevention of neuro-degenerative diseases. Some studies suggest that goat milk should regularly be consumed by those who suffer from high cholesterol levels, anemia, osteoporosis or prolonged treatments with iron supplements. Both olein and myristin are found in goat milk naturally, are beneficial to brain cells and nerves. From a recent UCLA study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry that goat milk seems to keep the brain from developing the toxic plaques associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Pure goat’s milk contains full range of natural vitamins that are vital for the development of brain (B1, B3, B6, B12, C, E). Especially, Vitamin B3 (Niacin) in goat’s milk is 3.5 times higher than in cow’s milk. Vitamin B3 is particularly necessary in the development of the brain by assisting in regenerating nerve cells that help children be smarter and offers positive effect in repairing dementia (Alzheimer).